Wednesday 17 October 2012

Melys Christmas Shop

My Christmas shop has been opened please come and take a look we have favours to grace any Christmas table or maybe you just want a little stocking filler for someone special.

Just look at this fabulous Christmas cracker, 3 mini pots of honey and nuts for a gourmet treat!

Christmas Cracker - Stocking Filler / Stuffer - Place Setting - Table Decoration

or maybe you fancy a DIY kit to fill with sweets or homemade preserves for your guests? come and take a look don't leave it to long as I only have limited supplies.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Buzzy Buzzy Busy

Well I have neglected my blog haven't I??
I am so sorry but it has been a little hectic to say the least!! My etsy shop is now doing well and I have lots of quotes and sales coming in, so I shouldn't complain.
I have also had a full page feature included in the North Wales Wedding guide which I am totally thrilled about, and hopefully this will bring in a few local sales.

It seems funny that I can send all over the world USA, Canada, Sweden and Australia and many parts of England but get very few sales in my own local area. With a bit of publicity now and some contacts made this should be rectified soon. You wouldn't believe I work in marketing would you?

Anyway back to the bees which is not such good news!
Like many UK beekeepers who have reported losses in bees and the honey production down almost 50%,we have had a few disasters too. The awful summer we have experienced this year has had a disastrous effect on us we have lost 4 hives due to the new queens being unable to get out and mate resulting in the colonies dying out.

The other 8 hives are doing Ok and we managed to take a fair crop of honey from them, but had to leave enough to sustain them through the winter so the price at the gate has now gone up in order for me to reserve honey for the wedding favours.

We inspected the hives this weekend and have now supplemented their honey with syrup to ensure they make it through the winter but it looks like they have closed the hive down earlier this year so it is a bit hit and miss if they take the syrup down or not. Another inspection next week should let us know how they are fairing before we to stop activity until the Spring.

Friday 13 July 2012

bumble bee find

I am thrilled to have been included in a lovely treasury feature in Etsy, and also on a blog
Please take time to visit either or both as all crafters need promoting from time to time and the bumble bee along with the honey bee need all the help we can give them.

Sunday 8 July 2012


The hazard of being a beekeeper are obvious to most it has to be stings!!

Now I don't want to put anyone off keeping Bees at all this is not the object of the exercise but you must take care.No cutting corners when getting suited up, make sure all zips and Velcro are fastened and you have at lease covered your arms and legs with another layer under your suit.

Why you may ask is she telling us the obvious?
Last week I was suited and booted and got stung on my foot?? Hubby had been covered in bees and had not put his boots on but opted for a pair of lace up boots and guess what he got stung!! helping to rescue him I brushed of the bees that had collected around his legs and brushed one bee straight into my welly. To late stung!! this resulted in a reaction and a trip to casualty.

This week no repeats please!!we  both double checked we were protected and almost finished the bees with no stings until,....... hubby offered to finish the last hive on his own so I could get the rabbits fed and watered before going out.

He came to tell me he was finished still wearing his bee suit and yes he had bees on him. I shouted at him to go away and clear them off..... to late !! this time stung on the face. Bit swollen around the eye area but hopefully it will go down before work tomorrow as this is getting embarrassing.

The joys of being a beekeeper, would I give them up ??? No way

Friday 29 June 2012

What has Fishing Got to do with Bees?

I have just read a blog and been inspired !! the blog was all about how to write stories for a blog. I am sure a lot of bloggers out there like me struggle to find fresh topics to write about and keep our followers interestedI know I certainly do.
So I am going to change tack a little bit and try to give you an insight to my world, of course there will still be updates about the bees and the honey but hopefully it will be a bit more personal, I hope you enjoy it!!

Not a topic I have written about before, so here goes.

Last week my hubby and I went to join my parents in a cottage on the Blairquhan estate near Ayr, Scotland.
This was our 3rd visit to the estate and I was looking forward to a relaxing few days fishing. I absolutely love fly fishing, a sport I got into late in life and have been doing it now for 6 years. My hubby was first interested and asked me to join him, he still goes fishing on the odd occasions but as he is not a very patient man finds it extremely frustrating especially when I hook into a trout and he doesn't :)
Why do I enjoy fishing?

I am the type of person that has thoughts running through my head day and night, could be to do with family, sometimes work or mainly about my hobbies of which I have lots. If I have a project on the go, I cannot stop thinking about it and find it hard to detach myself. This is the time to go fishing, even the drive to a lake or fishery is normally tranquil and my thoughts start to wander in another direction maily the first thought is Will  I catch anything today? .

Unpacking my gear and setting up my rod takes minutes and then its off to find a nice bit of water to fish, last week we fished the small lake at Blaiquhan where there are lots of small but elusive native brown trout.  I managed to catch and land 3 fish, 2 small ones around 1lb in weight and a larger one of approx 2lb, I am pleased to say all were returned safely.

The following day it was of to Coyle Water fishery this time with a bit of a competition going between hubby and me, as he hadn't liked the fact that I had caught the day before and he hadn't. He obviously fancied his chances on the larger lake.Neither of us caught anything in the first 2 hours so we had a break and a bite to eat from the picnic we had prepared, but I cant seem to sit down chatting or stop to eat for long as there are trout to catch.

My competitivness gets the better of me when I am challenged! soon I hook into a fighter and shout over to let hubby know I have a fish on!! he comes over to help me land it. As the fish gets a little tired of playing games and gets closer to the bank the net was put in the water, just as it is about to be scooped up hubby gets hold of the line, disaster !! he tried to pull it in and of course the fish un hooked itself and got away.
A few words were said and then I heard "dont ask for any more help in future you can do it on your own"
Hmm OK I will I though,t I will show you!

30 mins before it was time to pack up I ask how he is getting on, He had had a couple of knocks and just missed one, so with time running out I start to go through my fly box trying this fly and that fly, maybe I should try a dry or should I try a nymph?? You can see how I dont have time to think about anything else cant you!!

Well it was a buzzer that I caught the next fish on a beauty too, approx 31b in weight and would have made lovely eating but as we were on a sporting ticket it had to go back. Hubby says "Well done" but is not very happy. Unfortunately no more fish were caught that day and we went back to the cottage for a glass of wine. Cheers!!

Friday 18 May 2012

Spring Honey

Apologies first!! been a bit lapse with my postings lately but I hope to rectify this.

Well, my photographic skills did not win me any prizes in the competion I entered, I have to say looking at the winners I was completely out of my depth, so no surprise there!

The Spring has been a complete wash out, the nice weather in March had us hoping for a large Spring crop of honey although we will manage to get some there wont be as much as initially thought, after all the bees do need to feed themselves first.

We now have honey supers on 5 hives and 8 hives are on brood and a half and building up very nicely but if we dont get the nice weather who knows how much honey we will get this summer. So much is out of our control so all we can do is keep the regular inspections going to check all is well and swarm control when needed.

Friday 6 April 2012

Happy Easter to all the bloggers out there, I hope you have a lovely relaxed weekend.

I don't think for one minute I will be relaxing but this weekend I really don't mind as the family are visiting, sons,daughters, partners and gorgeous grandchildren what more could I want!!

With the weather turning colder it is not a good idea to open up the bees this weekend so I will leave them alone and take a quick look as soon as it warms up again, just to check their stores of food in case they have exhausted them.

Happy Easter!!

Thursday 29 March 2012

RSPB nature calendar 2013 entered

First time for everything so I have entered the RSPB calendar competition with my honeybee photo. As a total amateur and up against some fantastic photos don't stand a chance but you got to be in it to try! Take a look at the entries and find mine it's by junctiongirl and leave a comment by all means

Sunday 25 March 2012

Glorious March, Bees and Blossom

What a beautiful weekend it has been, glorious weather and so good for the bees who would believe it was still only March. I am happy to report that after inspecting our apiary all 12 hives have come through the winter.The bees are already extremely busy bringing in  the pollen and nectar from the dandelions, damson blossom and ribes from what  I can see in the garden.

 The opportunity today was to good to miss so I stopped my chores for half an hour in the garden watching the bees and managed to get some lovely photos.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

I hope you all enjoyed your pancakes tonight drizzled with a little honey!!

I  have been really busy lately coming up with new ideas for our Wedding Favours, with the Spring wedding season almost upon us I am hoping for a busy time.

Here are a few of the new ones the others can be found on the favours page and can be bought in my etsy shop. I do hope you like them!! If you would like them customised in any way please contact me.

Friday 17 February 2012

Bees Butterflies & Blooms

Bees Butterflies & Blooms by Sarah Raven on
Have you watched it? you must!!

We need more people like Sarah to help the plight of the Honey Bee and get everyone doing their bit.

If you have missed it watch it on iplayer now and catch up BBC

Do not underestimate what you can do to help, even if it is only one pot of insect friendly flowers on the patio it all helps our bees and insects.

Keep up the good work Sarah

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day!

A day for love and planning a future together, I wonder how many proposals there will be made to day?

On that note I am very excited, it has made me think of some new adornments for my wedding favours, I just need to try and source them from somewhere out there!

But I can tell you they will be themed!!

A Welsh Theme to go with Welsh Honey!!

Sunday 5 February 2012

February Inspection

Whilst the rest of the country battles with heavy snow here in North Wales it has been a beautiful day, almost spring like!! lots of sunshine and no need for hats and gloves!!

So as it was such a great day it was time to check on the bees and see if we have any disasters in the hives?

I am pleased to report all 12 hives are strong and healthy, and have come through the winter so far so good.

A little sugar paste has been given to a few hives to help their stores but the majority had enough food to see them through.

The bees were even out foraging today on the snowdrops.

Roll on the Spring

Friday 20 January 2012

Talk at the WI

Happy New Year to you all !

It has been a bit quiet on the bee front during the last few months as there has been little activity from the hives. This is only to be expected however, we did see a few venturing out just before Christmas when we had that mild snap of weather.

I was asked by my local Women's Institute to do a talk this year on my beekeeping experience and I was happy to say yes, thinking it would be sometime in the summer. As this was a newly formed WI they were struggling for speakers so they asked if I could do the talk in January.

January!! oh goodness me, could I really go through with it so soon !!

Unaccustomed as I am to speaking in public, I set about writing myself some notes on bees so that I had all the information to hand should anyone ask me a question, ( my greatest fear, being asked something I didn't know the answer to). However my daughter got to hear what I was doing and told me not to be so boring!!

People don't want to sit there and listen to you spouting out a lot of boring facts, give them a summary of how you got involved with bees, she said and then take it from there.

So with her advice ringing in my ears and a few props to show them , off I set to the meeting. Surprisingly I was not nervous at this point as I thought I wouldn't be needed until half time, I would get a nice cup of tea and then I could prepare myself.

It didn't quite happen like that and I was called upon to do my talk within 30 minutes of arriving, no time to get nervous I was on!

I wont bore you with the details, but I can tell you that I had re-read all my blogs and used these snippets to tell my story, almost in the same format and it went down extremely well. With questions coming at me from all angles, I felt very proud to have been able to answer them all, thank goodness for my cribbing before hand.

During our tea break, (well earned I think) I was congratulated by everyone and thanked for telling my story, even the regional representative, wanted to put my name forward on the circuit to do talks.

So who knows I may be doing it again sometime in the future!!